Saturday, November 20, 2010

Hey mama rock me.....

Jeremy and I were able to come home for a week for thanksgiving, and what a godsend it has been! I was able to stop through Emporia for a day and have some much needed time with my amazing friends. I've always known I had wonderful friends, but recent event's in my life have proved just how amazing they really truly are! Some of them I knew I adored but I didnt really realize how close I was to them. A lot of my friends have really stepped up and provided much needed comfort and support and I could'nt thank them enough!

We went to see the midnight premiere of Harry Potter and it was a lot of fun! I bought this phermone (sp) perfume at my bacholerette party last March and we passed it around and tested it on everyone! Jeremy didnt believe that it would smell differently on every person. It's supposed to bring out your natural phermones so essentially you have your own unique perfume! It's pretty awesome. Just like I said it would, everyone had a different scent. Some people smelled spicy, musky and me personally fruity!

Im sitting at my Dad's right now and were going through a bunch of old family pictures and artifacts he's getting out of storage. It's pretty amazing. I never knew my parents together as a couple. Today I found a bunch of pictures of my Mom and Dad at the beginning of their relationship, their wedding (my mom decked out in a gray sweat suit and my dad in jeans) and pictures of us as kids. It made me really happy to see proof of this family that once existed. On the T.V old country music is playing. I remember waking up listening to my Mom cleaning to country music. It's such a wonderful memory.

Is'nt it funny how quickly life passes? I heard someone say today they were 24 and they had wasted a quatr of their life. That was a scary thought. I look back at all of these old photos and school report cards and I think, "Man, I remember this like it was yesterday". I also thought things like "What?!  I actually thought I was fat then? I wish I could look like that now!" lol There were some pretty pictures and some fairly embarrissing pictures as well. I would say that from the age of 2-14 I was not so pretty! 

Being in Hutchinson has really provided me some time to look back on my family memories. I have been a truly lucky girl and I have a feeling it will only get better from here! Look out world here I come!

Friday, November 12, 2010

All I wanna do is....Dance!

While reading a lovely email from my good friend Tricia, who is studying to be an awesome make-up artist (in theatre) at the Cinncinati Conservatory, I started thinking..Do I want to go to grad school? Sure I think it would only further my talents more and bump me a little higher on the look what I can do scale...but she tapped into my own inner fear...DANCE! It terrifies me when thinking of my future.
I started this blog about three times already and erased it all three times. I kept starting out with..."I cant dance very well".."I wish I could dance better"..."I wish I would have taken dance as a kid"...and I got tired of reading my own bawl baby words. Geez! Get over it already Amanda! You didnt take dance as a kid and yes it isnt your strongest talent by any means...but for god sakes stop bitching about it and do something about it!!
Ive quickly realized that I always find something to scare me or make me pause and think twice about things. When I was a music major it was piano. I wasnt good and I always went into it thinking I wasnt going to do well. Now that Im a theatre major its dance. I always think "Damn it, I suck at this!"  When what I need to be thinking is "Ok, this is my weakest point, try as hard as you can!" I shouldnt let things intimidate me and stop me from doing what I want to do.
So...Ive decided I need to quite whining like a little baby and get over it! I need to take some damn dance classes and continue to try to better myself! There, simple as that, push myslef and shut the hell up! Dance classes here I come!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Are we crazy or what?

I heard someone once say "I dont know what it is with your generation with their need to update us on their daily activities". I found this to be quite interesting. Why do we feel the need to update everyone we know on what were doing. Twitter, Facebook, and of course Blogs are extremely popular. Im guilty of course! As I was posting my status update on Facebook I thought..."Why does anyone car?" and "Why do I care to let them know?" I believe my status was something about wanting sushi or some other type of food. Eating is my true talent. But it got me thinking..why do we care? I mean sure I understand the want to know what is going on in other people's lives, how else would rumors spread so quickly. But why do we care that people know so much about our own lives? Especially when it's something as mundane as "Going to bed now!". Are'nt we usually trying to keep our own lives out of other peoples mouths? Just a thought.